This edition reports on a finding that a defect to ironworks in the highway was not dangerous for the purposes of section 41 of the Highways Act 1980, together with various case updates.
Our motoring news bulletin. This edition includes various case summaries covering credit hire in the content of loss of profit, Rome II considerations and favouring contemporaneous witness evidence over expert evidence.
This edition reports on a matter relating to the use of driven inspections in the context of defending Highways Act claims, together with various case updates.
This edition includes various case summaries covering fundamental dishonesty, contributory negligence and reliability of witness evidence over expert evidence.
This edition reports on a matter where we were successful in securing a discontinuance in relation to a claim involving an alleged highway defect, together with various case updates.
This edition reports on a matter where proceedings were issued against the wrong Defendant through mistaken identity, together with various case updates.
This edition includes various case summaries covering fundamental dishonesty, disclosure in credit hire claims, medical agency fees and disputing jurisdiction.
This edition reports on the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn the COA where a Defendant Local Authority was responsible for residual diminution in value of the Claimant’s land following treatment of Japanese knotweed, together with various case updates.
This edition reports on a case which resulted in a finding of fundamental dishonesty on the basis of inconsistent medical entries, together with various case updates.